California Sushi & Teriyaki
California Sushi & Teriyaki
California Sushi & Teriyaki

California Sushi & Teriyaki

Store Info
Everything is prepared with high quality, rich taste and made fresh on order. To steal all your hearts, we prepare our dishes super healthy, delicious and definitely appetizing. Our experienced chefs …

Menú completo
10:00 a. m.-8:45 p. m.

Artículos Destacados

$0 delivery fee, first order
precios y tarifas
delivery time

Artículos destacados

Más ordenado

Los artículos y platos ordenados más frecuentemente de esta tienda


Sushi Burritos

Come with sweet spicy mayo and ponzu and seaweed or soy paper.

Appetizer & Salad

Add Brown Rice, Miso Soup, Soy Paper for an additional price.

Bowl Special

Substitute Beef or White Meat Chicken for an additional price.

Teriyaki Special

Served with Shrimp Tempura(1), Vegetable Tempura(5), CA Roll(5), Steamed Rice & Vegetable. Add Brown Rice, Miso Soup To Go for an additional price.

Teriyaki Plate

Served with Steamed Vegetable and Steamed Rice.

Tempura Plate

a la carte.

Sushi and Rolls Combo & Ramen Noodle

Udon Combo

Pan noodle & Noodle soup

Fried Rice

Roll Special

Smoothie (or with Boba) 24oz

Boba - 65 cents

Fountain / Bottled Drinks


Sauces, Miso Soup, Steamed Rice.....


La tienda establece directamente los precios de este menú.

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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